How to create an in-demand service offering

Does your service deliver a specific outcome for clients? 

I know it can be challenging for experts to communicate the value of their services because services are intangible by nature. 

However, the way you describe your offering is really important when it comes to generating demand. 

Today we will discuss three key aspects of developing an in-demand offering for expert service providers.

#1 Truly understand your ideal client

First and foremost you need to pick a specific type of client you want to attract. Only once you have a certain person in mind will you be able to plan your approach accordingly.

When you understand their situation you can reverse engineer your offering, messaging, marketing materials, and lead generation methods to reflect their preferences.

If you can match your services to what clients are looking for, they will be much more likely to engage with you.

So it’s really important to research these individuals and actually speak to them directly. Although this can be done by email or instant messages, it’s always best to interview ideal clients face to face, over the phone, or via a video call so you can dig deeper into their answers. 

To truly understand what is important to them, consider asking your ideal clients these questions:

  • What is your biggest frustration related to [insert area of expertise]?
  • If you could wave a magic wand and change something about your business, what would it be?
  • What is the top priority for your business right now in relation to [insert area of expertise]?

When you hear the answers to these questions, you will find out how they describe their challenges in their own words.

And once you have spoken to multiple people who fit your ideal client profile, you should be able to pick out some recurring themes and the phrases they use. If you identify a golden nugget, make note of the exact wording because there might be an opportunity to use it in your marketing messaging.

#2 Communicate the outputs not the inputs

Instead of promoting yourself as someone who has a particular skill for hire, it’s much better to position yourself as a business that delivers a clear outcome for your ideal client. 

So in your messaging, focus less on the inputs of your work (such as the project specs), and more on the outputs (the tangible results clients gain after working with you).

The trick is to position your services as an investment instead of an expense. The features of your offering don’t equal value for the client. Results equal value.

By selling the end result and benefits of your offering, it also enables you to justify higher fees. This is because the value of your work is clearer so it’s easier to make a business case to purchase your services. 

In addition, by talking about the impact of your services in your messaging, you will stand out from your competitors that just promote a menu list of services.

#3 Define and document your process

If you want to be viewed as a true expert in your field, it’s important to have a codified process that outlines how you achieve results for clients. 

The more clearly you can explain this process, the more trust you will build and the greater confidence the client will have in your ability to deliver the outcome they are looking for.

It can also be useful to actually create an infographic that explains your process in an aesthetically pleasing way. This can prove to be a valuable tool in sales conversations because it helps potential clients tovisualise your approach.

Conclusion and action point

The real goal when it comes to designing and marketing your service offering is to give potential clients confidence that you can help them achieve their desired outcome.

Don't leave it up to them to have to work out if you are the right supplier. Be really clear and state the specific results your offering brings in your marketing materials and website.

Your action point for today is to ask your ideal client one of the questions listed above at your next opportunity and see if you can incorporate their language into your messaging.